
Sunday, September 7, 2014

An overthought introduction

Last Friday as a sat in a Money and Banking class, my Professor, Dr. Furfero, asked the class for a simple email that caught me off guard. She had asked the class to send her a two paragraph autobiography and a picture to use for her classroom website. Immediately this struck me as odd. During the past years at St John's very few professor's have memorized their student's names, much less ask for to know about our families, our goals or aspirations the way she did. When I sat down at the computer to write her an email, I found it impossible to write 20 sentences about myself.  How is it possible to sum up who you are as a person both personally and professionally? Furthermore where does one begin explaining who they are? Do you define yourself by what you enjoy doing, who you work for, when you were born or how you decide to spend your Friday evenings? After sitting there and dissecting my life I finally sent out a short, brief and concise autobiography of myself. I believe that as an economist, you must learn to dissect an issue, whether it is simple or complicated, discard the irrelevant information and deliver very concise information. Despite the fact that my professor would probably find this post grossly overthought, I think that being able to stretch things and find odd, little relationships between two seemingly unrelated things is a great way of moving past baby's first economics courses and into the more complex, in-depth topics covered in Monetary Policy, Econometrics and other financial analysis classes. Throughout this semester and beyond I hope to use this blog as an area where I can experiment with my thought process and even be corrected by commentators. My first modules will review basic economic models and concepts and will move into more complex and new ideas. I hope y'all enjoy this little journey!


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